Tuesday 27 July 2010

Roelans Boatyard

Oh she is at it again!!!

This year our boat was left in Roleans Boatyard. The yard is run by Majory Roleans, she helped her father run for many years and then took it over several years ago. She and her stepmother do all the work, welding, painting, turning up the odd propeller shaft and taking the boats in and out of the water. The equipment is all antiquated, and as one regular client said - “ I always take a walk when they take my boat out for the winter, it is too nerve raking to watch.”

Nothing has changed much since Dickens times and yet it somehow manages to function. We loved both the yard and Majory and stayed there nearly two weeks after arriving in Belgium.

I hope the following photographs capture some of the feeling for this wonderful place.

Lynda with guess who??
Does she look like a person who could rebuild a 5 litre boat motor?

Thursday 22 July 2010

A very late posting for the first blog. We have been in the sticks and this is only our second internet access in 5 weeks. It will be a bit rough as I am rushed for time in the local council internet site.
We are now down near the mouth of the Somme and will be off to Switzerland for a week on monday to spend some time with friends there. Hopefully better internet so I can post a few more blogs.

The view from the kitchen sink so no one minds doing the dishes when the view changes every day

Deerste in the lake where she spent the winter. On arrival she was all green like her neighbour.

Mornings are for work and afternoons for exploring. Time out for a drink after a long ride thru a forest and along the canal.

We love the long evenings. Great for walking. Our half hour walks always seem to take atlest an hour. this photo was taken at 10.30 pm.

No flower is safe when Lynda is out walking.